Establishing connection wherever you are in Indonesian Archipelago.
ATM Satellite Network
We provide service for ATMs in any locations that the terrestrials can’t reach. We have also done it in big cities with no problems. This VSAT based network infrastructure can cover ATM sites all over Indonesia. ATM VSAT can also provide service for mobile ATMs.
Corporate Network Service
We provide access for corporation and enterprises to establish communication between headquarters and branches. This allows these corporate elements to have data transfers and communication exchange. Crucial to maintain the chain of communication of a company.
Rural Internet Network
One of the most common use for VSAT is for internet connection. Especially in a country like Indonesia, which is a country with the most island in the world. This makes VSAT such an excellent l solution for internet connection. This internet network can be used for small businesses, hotels, or even homes.
Marine Satellite Network
Another important technology in our portfolio is marine satellite network. Whereas ship owners can install our proprietary marine antenna to monitor their ships location, communication, access the internet and more. Perfect application for cargo ships, fish boats, and even private yachts.